The pharmacy department provides an accurate and responsive drug
distribution system for all hospital inpatients out patients.
Our aim is to ensure the safe, effective and economic use of
medicines by clinic prescribes, patients and staff.
The department is responsible for the purchase and storage of all
pharmaceutical products.
· The pharmacy provides a drug information service for all clinic
staff. This service is under constant improvement as the number of
reference sources stocked in the pharmacy increases. We also provide a
telephone advice line for patients who have received medications from
the clinic.
· A ward pharmacy and clinical service is now provided on all wards. A
pharmacist visits these wards on a daily basis and monitors each
patients drug kardex. The purpose of prescription monitoring is to help
ensure that the patients receive drug treatment, as intended by the
prescriber and as required for optimal care.
Cytotoxic drug preparation service to the hospital oncology unit.
Pharmacy sales from outpatient dispensary.
